Changing Direction to Lead in Times of Change


Your Challenge: How do you turn your organization around when restructuring, layoffs, and shifting market conditions demand a sudden change? How do you communicate that a new day is here? How do you align your people—or what’s left of them—with a new direction?


Proven Strategy: Be positive about change, but also absolutely transparent. Drastic changes in staffing, structures, and direction need a firm, clear leadership presence. Learn how to do it with Nova’s Proven Leadership Strategies.

Here’s a sample of just one of the strategies you get:

Acknowledge what will be different.
Convey your vision as your own. This is a time to make a definitive statement and to let your team know that you are taking the helm, capably and confidently in charge, no matter what the changes. Your message should let them know that you have a destination in your sights, and a plan for getting to that destination that they can contribute to with their own ideas and talents, but that they will be guided within a framework for direction and priority toward a vision you will share. Explicitly acknowledge what will be the same and what will be different so people can understand how things will change (or not). Find a way to do so that honors what went before and the good work people have contributed.

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