Proven Strategy: Provide a vision, but enlist participation at the right points to get commitment. Nova’s got the answers to creating a vision that can move your organization ahead. Capture a vision today that will fuel aspiration for excellence tomorrow.
Here’s a sample of just one of the strategies you get:
Communicate from heart to heart.
When you are absolutely clear on your vision statement, and why it is a worthwhile endeavor, you are ready to plan how to communicate it to your group. Don’t underestimate how important this communication will be. Take your idea from your head to your heart, and frame the words that most deeply speak your vision’s importance to you. This will enable you to speak to the hearts of others. Remember that people need to feel their work makes a meaningful contribution. You want to convey your vision in a way that has a value to them and to the greater good. To ensure that your message is inspiring and clear, practice on a trusted colleague before bringing your message to your people. Make sure you vision is one they can all understand and buy into.