Proven Strategy: Know when to “be a leader,” when to be “one of the group,” and when to “disappear.” What it took to become a leader is not what it takes to lead. The sooner you understand what’s really important, the sooner you can get back on the fast track and become a hero to your people. Our action steps show you how.
Here’s a sample of just one of the strategies you get:
Be a facilitator of others’ work.
Ask your people how you can be most helpful to them. Another way to get important information on how to further the work of your area is to ask people what they would do in your place. They are very likely to see things that you miss, and to provide you with valuable feedback. Asking what they’d do in your place also gives them an appreciation for the challenges you face as a manager. If you take what they say sincerely to heart and act on it, you’ll win their loyalty and respect—and help your area as a whole progress.